Gladly uses the same industry-standard KPIs for WFM. There are some differences in terminology which the content below can help you identify the link between industry KPIs and Gladly key metrics.
Number of Contacts Offered #
The number of items incoming inside the queue during a particular time interval; typically broken out by Channel.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use the Contact Inbox metric.
Number of Contacts Handled #
The number of incoming contacts handled inside a time interval; typically broken out by Channel. Also typically group-able out by Agent.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use the Contacts Fulfilled metric.
- To break out by Agent – Work Sessions > COUNT(DISTINCT Work Session ID) WHERE Contact Session Ended At IN [INTERVAL] AND Direction = INCOMING AND Status = ANSWERED
Average Delay / Average Speed of Answer #
Average time to response for items created within a particular interval; typically broken out by Channel. Also typically group-able by groups (e.g., Inbox)
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use Avg. Queued to Fulfilled Time metric.
Abandons #
The number of abandons in a time interval. Note that Gladly only tracks abandoned phone calls, whereas chats, emails, etc., will remain unanswered.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use the Contacts Abandoned metric.
Average Handle Time #
Average work_session_handle_time across all Contacts handled in a particular time interval. Typically broken out by Channel. Also can typically be analyzed by Agent and Agent groups (e.g., Teams).
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use Avg. Inbound Contact Handle Time metric.
- To break out by Agent – Work Sessions > SUM(Work Session Handle Time) WHERE Contact Session Ended At IN [INTERVAL] AND Direction = INCOMING AND Status = ANSWERED
Average After Contact Work Time #
Average work_session_unknown_time across all contacts handled in a particular time interval. Typically broken out by Channel. Also can typically be analyzed by Agent and Agent groups.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use Avg. Inbound After Contact Work Time metric.
- To break out by Agent – Work Sessions > SUM(Work Session Unknown Time) WHERE Contact Session Ended At IN [INTERVAL] AND Direction = INCOMING AND Status = ANSWERED
Average Talk Time (phone only) #
Average on-the-phone-time (handle time – hold time) across phone calls in a particular time interval. Typically can be analyzed by Agent and Agent groups.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use Avg. Talk Time metric.
Average Hold Time (phone only) #
Average on-hold time across phone calls in a particular time interval. Typically can be analyzed by Agent and Agent groups.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use Avg. Hold Timemetic.
- Note – Hold time is not in Work Sessions. It cannot be summed by Agent.
Service Level Attainment / Percent Service Level #
How many items created in a particular time interval reached SLA (inbound only). It can typically be broken out across Channels and Agent groups.
Gladly counterpart
- Found in the Contact Export report.
- Use Service Level % metric.