If a Proactive Email Campaign recipient responds to an Email Campaign, their response is created as a new email message and routed to the Inbox linked to the email address used for the Proactive Email Campaign. The message is then routed to the next most available Agent in that Inbox.
Conversation Timeline updates for Proactive Email Campaigns #
- [A] – Proactive Email Campaign message sent to the Customer.
- [B] – The Customer’s response to a Proactive Email Campaign they received.
[A] – Proactive Email Campaign message sent to the Customer #
Customers included in an outreach show the Email Campaign message they received in their Conversation Timeline.
[B] – The Customer’s response to a Proactive Email Campaign they received #
When a Customer responds to a Proactive Email Campaign, their response appears on the Conversation Timeline and shows <Customer Name> sent an email.
Agents should reply to the email as normal.