The glossary below details all Memories available across Gladly Sidekick. Remember, specific Memories will only be generated with the addition of a certain Action. Take a look at the Memory description to understand which Action(s) output the given Memory.
A #
adjusted #
The subtotal amount of the return.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
amount #
The total refund amount.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
B #
billingAddress #
The associated billing address.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
buttonResponse #
The button selected by the Customer based on the configured Ask Question Action.
- Ask Question Action outputs this Memory.
C #
cancellationReason #
The reason provided for subscription cancellation.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
carrierCode #
The code of the carrier handling this shipment.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
carrierStatus #
The status of the carrier.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
channel #
The associated channel (e.g. email, web, SMS, chat).
- Available without adding an Action.
city #
The city or town name found in the associated address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
console #
Identify a test conversation happening within the internal widget in the Sidekick dashboard.
- Available without adding an Action.
contactReason #
Specific contact reason detected for the associated conversation (e.g. Status Update, Defective Product, or Ask Return Policy).
- Available without adding an Action.
contactReasons #
The full hierarchy associated with the specific contact reason (e.g. if contactReason is Status Update, contactReasons provides all contact reasons within the Track hierarchy).
- Available without adding an Action.
conversation #
Allows conversation fields to be leveraged to create Rules.
- Available without adding an Action.
country #
The country name found in the associated address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
createdAt #
The date the refund was created or the timestamp for when the order was created.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
currentLocation #
The latest location from the most recent shipment scan.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
customer #
Information associated with the Customer (e.g. ID, name, email, LTV).
- The following Actions output this Memory.
customerEmail #
The email of the customer attached to the order.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
customerID #
The ID of the customer attached to the order.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
D #
dateTime #
Allows time fields to be leveraged to create Rules.
- Available without adding an Action.
deliveryDate #
The date the order was delivered. This date is not always updated. If that is the case or if this field is empty, we can determine this by checking for a “delivered” status and the last scan date.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
E #
email #
The Customer’s email address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
emails #
A list of the Customer’s email addresses.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
expiresAt #
Date the current subscription plan expires.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
F #
fullName #
The full name of the Customer.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
I #
id #
The ID associated with the line item or the Customer ID.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
isPrepaid #
Indicates if the subscription is of prepaid type or not.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
L #
lastBilledAt #
The last billed date for the associated subscription.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
lastMessage #
The latest message from the most recent shipment scan.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
lastOrderId #
The last order for the subscription with a status of success.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
lastScan #
The date of the most recent shipment scan.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
lineItemIds #
The line items included in the shipment.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
lineItems #
A list of the line items in the associated order.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
ltv #
The total, lifetime amount spent by the Customer.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
N #
name #
The name of the Customer or associated subscription.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
nextBilledAt #
The next bill date for the associated subscription.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
nextOrderScheduledAt #
The date for which the next order will ship for the associated subscription.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
numberOfOrders #
The total number of orders the Customer has made.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
O #
order #
The order number found in the Customer message, or by the associated email address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
orderNumber #
The associated order number.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
orders #
The list of order numbers associated with the Customer’s email address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
P #
pausedUntil #
The date at which the associated subscription is paused until.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
perYear #
The number of shipments that occur each year for a given subscription.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
phone #
The phone number of the Customer or business.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
phones #
A list of the Customer’s phone numbers.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
prepaidOrders #
Array of prepaid orders associated with a prepaid subscription.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
product #
The product details of the associated line item.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
productType #
The name or title associated with the line item.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
Q #
quantity #
The quantity of the product in the associated line item.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
R #
receivedAt #
The date the returned order was received.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
refundID #
The ID of the associated refund.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
refunds #
A list of refunds associated with the subscription.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
return #
The return associated with the order.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
returnLineItemIDs #
A list of the line item IDs for the associated return.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
returnID #
The ID of the associated return.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
returnLabelURLs #
Links, if available, to the return label(s) for the associated return order.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
returns #
A list of all returns associated with the order.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
S #
shipDate #
The date the order was shipped.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
shipment #
The shipment associated with the completed and shipped order, once tracking has populated.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
shipments #
The list of shipments associated with the completed and shipped order, once tracking has populated.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
shippingAddress #
The shipping address associated with the order.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
shippingAndHandling #
The combined shipping and handling costs. This is in cents.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
shippingSpeed #
The shipping speed of the associated shipment.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
sku #
The SKU of the product in the line item.
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
startedAt #
The date the associated return was initiated.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
state #
The state or province name found in the associated address.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
status #
The status of the associated order, shipment, or return.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
street1 #
The primary street address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
street2 #
The secondary street address.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
subscription #
The subscription found by the associated Customer email address.
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
subscriptions #
The list of subscriptions associated with the Customer’s email address.
- Look Up Customer Action outputs this Memory.
T #
tags #
A list of tags associated with the Customer, order, or shipment.
- The following Actions output this Memory.
tier #
The Customer’s subscription level (e.g. “Premium”).
- Look Up Subscription Action outputs this Memory.
total #
The total amount of the associated refund.
- Look Up Return Action outputs this Memory.
totalPrice #
The total price in cents (e.g. $10.99 would be 1099).
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
trackedShipments #
The shipments associated with a completed and shipped order that have available tracking information.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
trackingResponse #
Tracking details for each shipment associated with the order.
- Check Tracking SLAs Action outputs this Memory.
trackNum #
The tracking number of the associated shipment.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
trackURL #
The full tracking URL.
- Look Up Tracking Info Action outputs this Memory.
W #
withinCancelOrderSLA #
The order found to fall within the configured SLA for a order cancellation (e.g. an order created less than 10 minutes ago with a cancellation SLA of 60 minutes).
- Look Up Order Action outputs this Memory.
withingTrackingSLA #
The tracked shipments found to fall within the configured SLA for a given shipping speed (e.g. a shipment with Standard shipping speed in transit for 2 business days with an SLA of 3).
These SLAs are configured within the Check Tracking SLAs Action.
- Check Tracking SLAs Action outputs this Memory.
Y #
yesNo #
The Yes or No response provided by the Customer based on the configured Ask Question Action.
- Ask Question Action outputs this Memory.
Z #
zipCode #
The zip code or postal code of the associated address.
- Ask Question Action outputs this Memory.