Course Category: Work In Gladly

Artist sitting at table looking at cellphone while working on a laptop

Learn How Not To Take Things Personally

Course Description Are you affected by how others act or react, especially when you feel you somehow cause it? Well, don’t take it personally; learn how to control your feelings by taking this course. What you’ll learn
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Administrator Certificate Course

Course Description The Administrator role in Glady is the ultimate user role in Gladly and provides access to settings and configurations for everything in Gladly. This certificate course is designed to help you become familiar and comfortable with managing Gladly and configuring settings and features only available to Administrators. What you’ll learn This certificate course […]
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Team Manager Certificate Course

Course Description Team Managers are critical in the day-to-day operations of a contact center. This certificate course is designed to help you understand how to run your contact center using Gladly as a Team Manager, along with the settings and features you need to be familiar with while working in Gladly. What you’ll learn Who […]
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Support Hero Certificate Course

Course Description Are you new to Gladly as Support Hero? You’ve come to the right place! This certificate course is designed to teach everything you need to know to work in Gladly and provide radically personal service. What you’ll learn Of course, it’s not all about Customers; it’s also about YOU! You are the Hero […]
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Customer Service Essentials

Course Description From best practices to supporting Customers to utilizing Gladly features, this course can help elevate your ability to delight your Customers by combining different service strategies using Gladly. What you’ll learn Who should take this course Agents or Team Manager user roles.
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Help Customers on Messaging Channels

Course Description Learn how to communicate with Customers through SMS, chat, and social Messaging Channels like Instagram Messaging and Direct Messages. What you’ll learn Who should take this course Agents and Team Manager user roles.
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How to Provide Radically Personal Service

Course Description Learn the methodologies and thinking behind what it means to provide radically personal service. What you’ll learn Who should take this course Anyone who would like to understand the methodology behind providing radically personal service using Gladly.
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Work as a Task Only User

Course Description Learn how to receive and manage Tasks as a Task User in Gladly. What you’ll learn Who should take this course Task Only user roles or anyone who works on Tasks in Gladly.
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Call Listen, Coach, and Join

Course Description Use the call Listen, Coach, and Join feature to support Agents when they need help assisting Customers in real-time and to support your QA processes. What you’ll learn Who should take this course Administrators, Team Managers, or Agent Plus user roles.
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