Course Tag: Emotional Intelligence

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Confidence for Women in the Workplace

Confidence for Women in the Workplace

Course Details Confidence for Women in the Workplace is your one-stop-shop to help you increase your confidence and have the career, business or life that you’ve always wanted. Packed with comprehensive content, game-changing insights, and practical confidence-building techniques designed specifically for women in the workplace, this course will help you create the confidence you need […]
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Building Confidence

Building Confidence

Course Details Confidence is not a concrete characteristic. There are things we can do to influence our confidence level. Whether we realize it or not, we all go through waves of low and high confidence, depending on the scenario, or based on what else we’ve done that day. For some of us, it’s based on […]
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Mental Makeover: Professional Ethics and Self-Discipline – Rediscovering Self-Discipline

Mental Makeover: Professional Ethics and Self-Discipline

Course Details The central theme of this course is self-discipline. How we think about ethical problems at work and how our mind processes these problems is a huge first-step in dealing with workplace dilemmas. This process of thinking about how people think allows you to re-orientate your approach and attitude toward moral and ethics crises […]
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A man sitting at a desk with a computer open in front of him

Rewards and Recognition: Self-Appreciation

Course Details Rewards and Recognition are key ingredients to create an organization of growth. Self-appreciation is the ability to acknowledge oneself and honor our accomplishments and strengths. The greater one’s self-appreciation the more one has to contribute to others. In this course, you will discover the benefits of self-appreciation, why it is important in your […]
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A man sitting at a table and looking at a piece of paper

Sharper Brain, Smarter You: Happiness

Course Details Everyone wants to be happy and have a brain that functions at an optimal level. Dr. Wendy Suzuki, professor of neural science and psychology at New York University and author of the book Healthy Brain, Happy Life, discusses her latest research on the positive effects of exercise on our brain. She describes how […]
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A man rearranging Post-it notes on a clear wall

How Personal Resilience Promotes Positive Outcomes

Course Details That ability to bounce back may seem to come naturally to some, but in fact, it’s like playing an instrument or learning a language. While we may have some innate tendencies toward resilience, music, or language, they’re all skills anyone can build with practice. Individual resilience entails attitudes, behaviors, and deeds that advance […]
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Two people seated at a table and working on a laptop

Showing Empathy

Course Details Showing empathy is a key skill to develop in a customer service sales or leadership role. This video details ways to show empathy and how to more clearly understand it. What you’ll learn
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Three people seated in a row while talking and smiling

The Importance of Listening with Empathy

Course Details Listening is a response, a decision, and a skill. Understanding how different approaches impact your ability to connect is key to interpersonal relationships in and out of the workplace. In this course, you’ll learn what listening with empathy means, why it’s important, what gets in the way of it, and how to listen […]
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A man seated and facing a woman in a yellow shirt while talking

Listening With Empathy

Course Details It’s frustrating when communication breaks down. And it’s often listening (or a lack of it) that’s to blame. With this course, you can learn how to listen and help others feel seen and heard. What you’ll learn
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