Course Tag: Emotional Intelligence

Check out our Emotional Intelligence Content on Gladly Learning, a one-stop-shop for free customer support training, courses, and certifications.

Building Confidence

Building Confidence

Course Details Taking a few minutes to follow our Building Confidence course will make it much easier to handle the many tasks you’re faced with every day. Self confidence is not always an inborn trait. There will be times when you feel confident and other times when you feel less so. Perhaps you already recognize […]
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A man sitting at a table and looking at a piece of paper

Sharper Brain, Smarter You: Happiness

Course Details Everyone wants to be happy and have a brain that functions at an optimal level. Dr. Wendy Suzuki, professor of neural science and psychology at New York University and author of the book Healthy Brain, Happy Life, discusses her latest research on the positive effects of exercise on our brain. She describes how […]
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Two people seated at a table and working on a laptop

Showing Empathy

Course Details Showing empathy is a key skill to develop in a customer service sales or leadership role. This video details ways to show empathy and how to more clearly understand it. What you’ll learn
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Three people seated in a row while talking and smiling

The Importance of Listening with Empathy

Course Details It’s frustrating when communication breaks down. And it’s often listening (or a lack of it) that’s to blame. So how can you really listen and help others to feel seen and heard? What you’ll learn
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Soft Skills

Emotional Intelligence Interpersonal Communication

Course Details Relationship management is all about interpersonal communication skills. It’s about your ability to get the best out of others, your ability to inspire and influence them, your ability to communicate and build bonds with them and your ability to help them change, grow, develop, and resolve conflict. In this course, we underline the […]
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Techniques To Reduce Bias

Techniques To Reduce Bias

Course Details You may have heard about unconscious bias, and even done some training to raise your awareness about your own biases. But effectively counteracting bias requires not only awareness, but the application of structured decision making techniques that help us subject our thinking to greater scrutiny. In this interactive, game-based course, you will learn […]
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