Course Tag: Presentations

Check out our Presentations Content on Gladly Learning, a one-stop-shop for free customer support training, courses, and certifications.

Two people actively negotiate on terms.

Negotiating For Win-Win Outcomes

Course Details This course teaches you how to navigate challenging negotiations with difficult partners by providing you with the essential tools to maintain control. You will learn to manage conflicting interests, revive stalled negotiations, and defend yourself against attacks. The course emphasizes the importance of preparation in achieving successful outcomes in complex negotiations. What you’ll […]
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Several people discuss terms of a situation as they attempt to come to an agreement.

Mastering Negotiations

Course Details Learn how to master negotiation skills for both personal and professional settings. This course provides proven techniques for structuring and approaching negotiations with clarity and efficiency. You’ll discover the concept of collaborative negotiation, which emphasizes understanding the other person’s feelings and viewpoints. What you’ll learn
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A person sits at their computer as they face challenges with their work.

Conflictless Negotiations

Course Details This course will teach you how to reach agreements and avoid conflict. Using the PEACE model, you will effectively approach negotiations and drive resolute outcomes. Additionally, you will learn how to avoid common negotiation mistakes. What you’ll learn
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Two people discuss terms as they attempt to come to an agreement.

Win-Win Negotiations

Course Details In this course, you’ll learn to negotiate effectively by adopting a collaborative approach and prioritizing preparation. Discover how to develop a positive mindset, build rapport, and identify your BATNA to achieve successful outcomes in any negotiation. What you’ll learn
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Several people come to terms on an agreement by signing a document.

Negotiation Basics 101

Course Details Learn how to master the art of negotiation and achieve successful outcomes through this comprehensive course. Gain essential tools for conducting successful negotiations, identifying the best time to stop, and preparing effectively. With practical solutions and targeted benefit argumentation, you’ll be equipped to close negotiations successfully in the future. What you’ll learn
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A professional practices their sales techniques.

Creating Your Elevator Pitch

Course Details You have 60 seconds to sell your product or service. How do you make the most of it? That’s what this course is all about. An elevator pitch is a memorable description of what you sell and its benefits. It comes from briefly presenting your product or service on an elevator ride and […]
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A smart business person addresses a crowd on stage.

Talk like TED: Presentation and Public Speaking Strategies

Course Details Unlock the secrets of the world’s most influential public speakers and take your presentations to the next level with this course. Taught by acclaimed author Carmine Gallo, you’ll gain invaluable insights into what makes TED talks compelling and memorable. By analyzing over 500 TED talks, Gallo has identified the strategies and techniques that […]
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Sales professional records themself giving a sales pitch.

Usefulness of Elevator Pitches

Course Details This program discusses the usefulness of elevator pitches when selling ideas or products to other people. Ben Walkenhorst, the founder of no fussing about, offers practical tips to impress with your elevator pitch while engaging in genuine conversation. This program is designed to help anyone improve their elevator pitch and presentation skills and […]
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A public speaker confidently addresses a crowd.

How to Conquer Fear of Public Speaking

Course Details It has been said that public speaking is the number one fear next to death; no one has died from giving a speech. The real fear people are expressing is the fear of not being liked, looking stupid, being judged, or forgetting what they will say. It is common to experience some anxiety […]
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A professional gives a presentation to a large group at a conference.

Public Speaking Mastery

Course Details This course is for those who want to master the art of public speaking. The content includes exercises for centering and grounding that remove anxiety, develop powerful energy and presence, and guidance in creating a compelling message. What you’ll learn
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