Course Category: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Gladly

Personalize Self-Service With Gladly Sidekick

Course Description Gladly Sidekick is an AI and automation platform for Customer service teams, built to deliver radically personal self-service across all digital channels through Gladly Hero. Gladly Sidekick helps Customers help themselves with personalized self-service and AI-assisted communication. It works hand-in-hand with Gladly Hero so that brands can deliver radically personal Customer service at […]
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Woman in front of a computer coding

People-Centered Service With AI

Course Description With Customer interactions on the rise, wouldn’t it be nice to have an assistant to help you delight Customers? Our AI-powered assistant provides near-instantaneous help for Customers, empowering you to provide radically personal and memorable service. Use this course to learn how to leverage AI to boost efficiency, improve communication, reduce stress, and […]
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