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People-Centered Service With AI

Transform service with Gladly's AI, enabling radically personalized experiences that build loyalty.


Gladly Software Courses,

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Gladly,

Hero AI,

Time 20 min
Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Course Description

With Customer interactions on the rise, wouldn’t it be nice to have an assistant to help you delight Customers? Our AI-powered assistant provides near-instantaneous help for Customers, empowering you to provide radically personal and memorable service.

Use this course to learn how to leverage AI to boost efficiency, improve communication, reduce stress, and delight Customers. Learn to use the following AI features:

  • AI Authoring
  • AI Summaries

What you’ll learn

  • How to write expert-level messages with AI Authoring.
  • How to encapsulate Customer Conversations with AI Summaries.

Who should take this course

Agents and Team Managers

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