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Practicing Empathy in Customer Service

Course Details
When an emotional customer pops up in front of you, what do you do? Listen to them and deal with their problem? Sure. But that might not be enough to make the customer feel understood. Can you be empathetic enough to provide great customer service?
Having customer empathy means that you can recognize and respond to your customers’ feelings. I know. Talking about feelings is a bit… mushy, isn’t it? But there are so many benefits of developing customer empathy. You’ll be able to understand people better, deal with conflict, and notice body-language cues. There are also lots of simple techniques you can use to increase empathy in your customer interactions, such as active listening and choosing the right phrases to say.
What you’ll learn
- Explain the difference between empathy and sympathy.
- Recognize different types of empathy.
- Explain the benefits of using empathy in customer service.
- Apply techniques to increase empathy with customers.
Course Content
Practicing Empathy in Customer Service
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