Conversations, where a Note is left as the last item in the Conversation Timeline, are no longer routable. This is because Notes are not considered a routable item.
For example, if a Conversation is started with a phone call, which is then answered and handled by an Agent, this satisfies the SLA, and the Conversation has no other items to route. Adding a Note would not influence whether the Conversation is routed or not. Adding a Task, however, would add an object that could be routed.
Another example is if a closed Conversation is reopened, and the last item in the Timeline is a Note. There will not be any routable items in the Conversation unless the Customer reaches out again. In this case, a Task item, which will be routable, routes the Conversation to the next available Agent for Tasks. The Agent can respond via SMS, phone, or email to resolve the Customer’s issue. Â