The Entry Points page allows you to configure which Inbox incoming Customer requests are directed to based on the Channel from which the request originated. Additionally, you can set an SLA on the Entry Point level to override Inbox SLA settings. For more information, see the Difference Between Channel Entry Point SLAs and Inbox SLAs.
Channel sections #
Each Channel in Gladly has its own Entry Point settings.

Gladly currently supports the following Channels.
- Voice
- Chat
- Facebook Messenger
- Instagram Messaging
Entry Points settings overview #
A Channel’s Entry Point section contains the following information.

- [A] – The default Inbox where all of the Channel’s Entry Points are pointed unless an exception(s) is added.
- [B] – The Entry Point SLA for the Channel’s default Inbox.
- The SLA value in the gray text is the default Inbox’s SLA. Leaving this field empty means the Entry Point will use the default Inbox’s SLA.

- The SLA value is in the black text if the SLA is set on the Entry Point.

- [C] – List of Entry Point(s) not using the Channel’s default Inbox.
- [D] – Displays a Channel’s default Inbox. All inbound communications from the Channel’s Entry Points go to this Inbox unless exceptions are created.
- [E] – Displays the SLA for the Channel.
- If the Entry Point SLA is used, the SLA value is displayed.
- If the Entry Point SLA field is empty, it displays the default Inbox’s SLA.
- [F] – Displays the total number of Entry Points available for the Channel. In this example, eight available Entry Points (email addresses) are available for use on the Email Channel.
- If it shows “0 of X Entry Points,” all available Entry Points are linked to an Inbox, and you cannot add more exceptions.
Channel default Inbox #
Default Inbox is the Inbox to which every Entry Point in a particular Channel is linked. Adding any new Entry Points on any Channel automatically uses a Channel’s default Inbox configuration. For example, if you have eight email addresses, inbound emails from all eight Entry Points queue in the Email Channel’s chosen default Inbox unless exceptions are created. Adding a new email address automatically queues inbound emails to the Email Channel’s default Inbox unless an exception is created to link the new email address to a different Inbox and/or SLA setting instead.

- If you’re adding the very first Entry Point for a particular Channel, ensure you have the correct default Inbox selected for the Channel. If not, create an exception.
- You can change a Channel’s default Inbox anytime.
Entry Point Exceptions #
Entry Points for a Channel will always use the Channel’s default Inbox configured in the Entry Points page unless exceptions are added. Newly added Entry Points for any Channel use a Channel’s default Entry Point settings (default Inbox and SLA) unless an exception is created.

In the image above, 24 Voice Entry Points (phone numbers) point to the Customer Advocate Inbox. This means inbound calls from the 24 phone numbers queue in the Custom Advocate – Voice Inbox. But what if you want to exclude one of the 24 phone numbers from using the Channel’s default Entry Point setting? This is where Exceptions come into play. Suppose the phone number below is a number you want to exclude from using the Voice Channel’s default Inbox:
- 1 (559)-425-4060 – Inbound calls from this number should go to the General Information Inbox.

In the image above, inbound calls from 1 (559)-425-4060 queue in the General Information Inbox instead of the Channel’s default Inbox, which is the Customer Advocate Inbox.
Note about SLA values
- The Entry Point SLA value in the gray text is the selected Inbox’s default SLA. Leaving this field empty means the Entry Point exception will use the Inbox’s SLA.

- The SLA value is in the black text if the SLA is set on the Entry Point.

Because of the two exceptions, the default settings now show it applies to only 23 of the 24 Entry Points.

Multiple Exceptions #
You can select multiple Entry Points as exceptions if they point to the same exception Inbox or use the exception’s Inbox SLA.