Course Category: Courses

Sales professional records themself giving a sales pitch.

Usefulness of Elevator Pitches

Course Details This program discusses the usefulness of elevator pitches when selling ideas or products to other people. Ben Walkenhorst, the founder of no fussing about, offers practical tips to impress with your elevator pitch while engaging in genuine conversation. This program is designed to help anyone improve their elevator pitch and presentation skills and […]
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A public speaker confidently addresses a crowd.

How to Conquer Fear of Public Speaking

Course Details It has been said that public speaking is the number one fear next to death; no one has died from giving a speech. The real fear people are expressing is the fear of not being liked, looking stupid, being judged, or forgetting what they will say. It is common to experience some anxiety […]
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A public speaker practices their presentation in front of a mirror.

Public Speaking For Beginners

Course Details This course, taught by renowned public speaking coach TJ Walker, will quickly teach you how to become competent and professional in your public speaking skills, even if you’ve never given a speech before or feel intimidated by the idea. In less than 45 minutes, you’ll learn how to bypass beginner pitfalls and gain […]
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A public speaker looks out on a crowd as they give a presentation.

Gain Mastery of Presentation Skills and Public Speaking

Course Details This course, taught by TJ Walker, the President of Media Training Worldwide and a best-selling Udemy Instructor, will teach you how to present yourself comfortably, confidently, and relaxed, whether sitting or standing in front of any audience size. You’ll learn how to effectively communicate with your audience so that they can understand and […]
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A man stands while addressing a sitting team as he is presents an idea to.

Great Body Language for Your Presentations

Course Details Through expert storytelling techniques, this course teaches you how to become a captivating speaker and presenter. You’ll learn how to master the art of storytelling from speaking expert TJ Walker, who breaks down the steps needed to become comfortable and skilled at storytelling. What you’ll learn
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A person provides a presentation to an audience.

Powerful Presentation Skills – Your Body Language Speaks Loudly

Course Details Whether presenting to a small group or a large audience, this video course will help you improve your speaking skills. You’ll learn preparation techniques and essential delivery skills to help you feel more confident and in control when speaking publicly. Overcome nervousness or uneasiness, and leave a lasting impression with your dynamic and […]
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A well-dressed professional provided a powerful presentation to a group.

5 Essentials for Powerful Presentations

Course Details Presentations can be dull for audiences. People feel nervous when presenting. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash cover five essential areas for powerful presentations. These include memorable ways to commence, managing anxiety, succinct and sign-posting information, maintaining audience engagement, relaxed body language, telling a story, and finishing with a bang. What you’ll learn
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A designer reviews ideas for a presentation they are crafting.

Creating Effective Presentations

Course Details This course is designed for managers presenting to customers, teams, or decision-makers. Effective presentations require organizational skills, insight, technical abilities, and courage. Although public speaking can be intimidating, this course will guide you through the steps to methodically plan and execute your presentation. You will learn to plan and organize your topic, choose […]
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A public speaker looks out on a crowd confidently while addressing questions.

Public Speaking and Presentations Made Simple

Course Details This course will help you improve your presentation skills and captivate your audience. You will learn how to grab and hold your audience’s attention, make a memorable point, and organize your material in an easy-to-follow way. Using our proprietary SpeechBuilder tool, you’ll build a compelling presentation while taking the course. This highly interactive, […]
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A public speaker uses hand motions while addressing a crowd.

The Art of Public Speaking

Course Details This course teaches the art of public speaking, designed for anyone who needs to improve their speech delivery, oral presentation skills, or public speaking confidence. Learn how to build actionable awareness and create a lasting impact on your audience. What you’ll learn
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